......part of......
Pike County was formed 26 MAR 1814 from Wayne County. 
The County Seat is Milford, PA
This is a Free Genealogy Web Site
and is available for adoption.  Please contact Nancy Janyszeski

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Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................About Us
.......................This Pike County Genealogy Project is temporarily maintained by Nancy Janyszeski for PAGenWeb.
.......................Our special thanks to previous county hosts: Joe Patterson, Nathan Zipfel, Brian Nahodil, Bettie Wood & Our
.......................special thanks to Kathleen Woodside Freiburg who passed away in October 2003.
Online Archives
......................Pike County Archives
......................PA Archives
......................USGenWeb Archives
Updated  30 SEP 2008
...................... Bethel Cemetery - Off of Church Rd., Rowland, Lackawaxen
...................... Bushkill Cemetery - located on Route 209 in Bushkill
...................... Delaware Cemetery -Culvers Gap; on R 209,Dingmans Ferry; 411337N;0745214W
...................... French Town Cemetery - Dingman
...................... German Hill Cemetery - Shohola - 412734N;  0745615W
...................... Kimble's Cemetery
...................... Knealing Family Farm Cemetery - Shohola
...................... Lords Valley - Blooming Grove
...................... Lackawaxen & Union Cemetery - Lackawaxen
...................... Lower Wallpack Cemetery - Wallpack, Sussex Co., NJ;  W of Old Mine Rd.
...................... Milford Cemetery - Milford - 411852N;  0744811W
...................... Milford Hill Cemetery - Dingman
...................... a href="http://files.usgwarchives.net/pa/pike/cemeteries/millrift01.txt"> Mill Rift Cemetery - Westfall
...................... Moses Smith Cemetery - Monroe Co., PA?
...................... Mount Moriah Cemetery - Kimble - 412759N;  0750719W
...................... Old Greentown/Kipp Cemetery - Greene
...................... Old Union Schoolhouse Cemetery
...................... Paupack Cemetery or Paupack Cemetery - Hawley - 412453N;  0751257W
...................... Pine Grove Cemetery - Hawley - 412438N;  0751256W
...................... Pine Grove Cemetery - Newfoundland - 411601N;  0752020W
...................... Reformed Dutch Cemetery - external link
...................... Rockelein-Perry Cemetery - Blooming Grove
...................... Rowland Cemetery - Rowland, PA
...................... Shohola Cemetery - Shohola
...................... Simonstown Cemetery
...................... St. Mary's of the Assumption Cemetery - Lackawaxen
...................... Travis Cemetery - Dingman
...................... Travis Cemetery - Milford - 412000N;  0745205W
...................... Van Etten Farm Cemetery - Dingman
...................... Valley View/Swartwood Cemetery - Lehman
...................... Westbrook Cemetery - Blooming Grove
...................... Whitsells Farm Cemetery - Delaware
...................... Wood Family Farm - Shohola
...................... Woodtown Cemetery - Shohola - 412442N;  0745403W
...................... Cemetery Transcriptions in Wayne & Pike Counties
...................... PA Tombstone Project
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................1790 Census
......................1820 Census
......................1830 Census
......................1840 Census
......................1850 Census
..........................*.Palmyra Township or Archives link
......................1860 Census
..........................*.Palmyra Township
......................1870 Census
..........................*.Palmyra Township
......................1880 Census
..........................*.Palmyra Township
......................1900 Census
......................1910 Census
......................1920 Census
......................Census Project
Updated  20 Nov 2009
......................Family Group Sheets
..........................*.For Pike County (or with Pike County Ties)
...................... Forged By Fire! The Padgetts of Millrift, by Stephen Padgett, ©2005.
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................American Civil War Research Database - This is a commercial site
......................Original Land Warrantees - Pike County original land warrantees
......................Animated Atlas: Growth of a Nation
......................The Pike Site
......................"New York Camp" Sons of Spanish American War Veterans
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................Rootsweb/Ancestry PA Lookups Board
......................The Pike Site
......................Free PA Genealogy Look Ups
......................Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness
......................Books We own - Look-Ups for International Genealogical Research
......................Limited--for PA Spanish American War, Philippine Insurrection, & China Relief Expedition
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................PAPIKE - a list related to the discussion of genealogy in Pike County
..........................*.PAPIKE-request@rootsweb.com for the list mode
...............................Include the word subscribe in the body of the message to subscribe.
......................Pike County Mail list Archives - Browse  |  Threaded
......................PAGENWEB - a list related to the discussion of genealogy in Pennsylvania
..........................*.PAGENWEB-request@rootsweb.com for the list mode
...............................Include the word subscribe in the body of the message to subscribe.
......................Pennsylvania Mail list Archives - Browse  |  Threaded
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................Digital Map Project
......................All PA Counties
......................County Formations
......................Whiskey Insurrection
......................Animated Atlas: Growth of a Nation
Updated  02 JUN 2008
.......................Pike County Marriages
Updated  30 SEP 2008
......................Calculate Birthdate from Death Data
......................People for Better Pennsylvania Historical Records Access (PaHR-Access)
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................Monroe, PA
......................Wayne County, PA
......................Sussex County, NJ
......................Orange Co., NY
......................Sullivan Co., NY
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................WILLIAMS, Samuel
Updated None
......................Send Yours!!
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................Buck Hill Falls
......................Culvers Gap
......................Dingman Township
......................Glen Eyre
......................Hemlock Grove
......................Indian Point
......................La Anna
......................Lehman Township
......................Millford Township
......................Palmyra Township
......................Port Jervis
......................Porter Township
......................Shohola Township
......................Westfall Township
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................View Queries (Posted Here)
......................Ancestry.com/RootsWeb Message Boards
......................Cousin Connect
......................Guest Book (from the last Pike County site)
......................Pike County Mail list Archives - Browse  |  Threaded
Updated  02 Mar 2014
......................Greene-Dreher Historical Society
.........................PO Box 176
.........................Greentown, PA, 18426
......................Pike County Courthouse
.........................506 Broad St.
.........................Milford, PA 18337-1511
.........................717-296-7613 (or 7231)
.........................Clerk Commissioner has birth & death records from 1893-1905; Marriage Records from 1885;
.........................Divorce, Probate, Court, & Land records from 1814
......................Pike County Historical Society
.........................608 Broad St.
.........................Milford, PA 18337-1704
......................Pike County Public Library
.........................201 Broad St.
.........................Milford, PA 18337-1320
......................Northeastern Pennsylvania Family History & Genealogical Data
......................Pike County Recorder Of Deeds
..........................412 Broad Street
..........................Milford, PA 18337
......................Wallenpaupack Historical Society
.........................PO Box 345
.........................103 Manor Woods Court
.........................Paupack, PA 18451
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................Surnames A-Z
......................Surname Resources
Updated  02 JUN 2008
......................VAN AUKEN, Abraham--Last Will & Testament

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